gosh...too many things comes together that mix up my feelings all the time...
but but but...
i was happy n really happy n really praise lord that my darling is back from korea safety =) he's doing great right now,no sick,no rosak...lol XD darl,i really happy when the time i know u can back from there,for 9 days i cant see u,everyday worry about u,but i never forget to pray for u n ur frens...praise lord that u r fine now =) n thx for the chocolates that u bought me =)
i know u dun have the chance to go out for buy more things,but as long as u r fine,i ad feel happy =)

recently both of us also busy,tired,i feel that we are getting lesser n lesser time to talk >.<
always look at my frens dating out for movie n this n that...
i feel....both of us also long time pak to ad lu >.<
when im free,u're in bz...when im bz,u're free....lol...what to do...
darling,everytime telling u that i love u,i really mean it..
i know we can overcome the problem n the challenge that coming in the future..
i keep telling myself everyday that i can overcome the feelings..
i don't know how hard is it when the things happen...but i know...
my heart never change....which is...i want to be with u no matter what=)
just take good care of urself...no matter u r studying or teaching,
make sure that u got think about me ar XD hehehe...
back to my life..
dad's problem is getting serious...n i feel that me myself,really needs a counselor...
i cant take it when i need to face all the crazy things that he did to us...
i was born in a healthy family...but then everything changed...
i never see my dad treat us like tat before..
scold ppl like dog...angry like siao ad...
n i never scold my dad before too....
now,every morning also i have to prepare to listen or see what he going to do to us..that's really a bad feelings deep in my heart..coz i never face this kind of prob before..i really scared,really worry,in the same time..i really hates my dad..
everyone of cant really be happy just because of him...
again...he really makes me feel tired....n tired....n sick...
lord,pls listen to my prayer...heals him by ur miracle...
back to my studies..zhen hao n jun rong,me n elaine was ok la,i guys drop geh comment macam we ad fan min..lol..
i just too peik ceik when i facing assignments...im sorry too elaine...
i know my bad temper n pattern >< just forgive me...
i have to face my own prob oso studies in the same time..
it's hard for me...im not finding a excuse to myself to run away from assign,
but i really feel...dunno how...sometimes...i do feel wanna give up..
i really really feel wanna give up deep in my heart...
but i know...it's hard to make a decision...
i will try my best.....im sorry guys....
everything....everything seems to have a big changes....
changes also mean a challenge to me...
i just hope that...i can manage to handle it...
loves,family,studies,prob from everywhere....
i just.want a simple relationship which is only me n you..
i just want a healthy family,which is only all of us..
i just want a clean heart which is only me myself n u my lord....
i just....want to see....EVERYTHING will be FINE as soon as possible...
always look at my frens dating out for movie n this n that...
i feel....both of us also long time pak to ad lu >.<
when im free,u're in bz...when im bz,u're free....lol...what to do...
darling,everytime telling u that i love u,i really mean it..
i know we can overcome the problem n the challenge that coming in the future..
i keep telling myself everyday that i can overcome the feelings..
i don't know how hard is it when the things happen...but i know...
my heart never change....which is...i want to be with u no matter what=)
just take good care of urself...no matter u r studying or teaching,
make sure that u got think about me ar XD hehehe...
back to my life..
dad's problem is getting serious...n i feel that me myself,really needs a counselor...
i cant take it when i need to face all the crazy things that he did to us...
i was born in a healthy family...but then everything changed...
i never see my dad treat us like tat before..
scold ppl like dog...angry like siao ad...
n i never scold my dad before too....
now,every morning also i have to prepare to listen or see what he going to do to us..that's really a bad feelings deep in my heart..coz i never face this kind of prob before..i really scared,really worry,in the same time..i really hates my dad..
everyone of cant really be happy just because of him...
again...he really makes me feel tired....n tired....n sick...
lord,pls listen to my prayer...heals him by ur miracle...
back to my studies..zhen hao n jun rong,me n elaine was ok la,i guys drop geh comment macam we ad fan min..lol..
i just too peik ceik when i facing assignments...im sorry too elaine...
i know my bad temper n pattern >< just forgive me...
i have to face my own prob oso studies in the same time..
it's hard for me...im not finding a excuse to myself to run away from assign,
but i really feel...dunno how...sometimes...i do feel wanna give up..
i really really feel wanna give up deep in my heart...
but i know...it's hard to make a decision...
i will try my best.....im sorry guys....
everything....everything seems to have a big changes....
changes also mean a challenge to me...
i just hope that...i can manage to handle it...
loves,family,studies,prob from everywhere....
i just.want a simple relationship which is only me n you..
i just want a healthy family,which is only all of us..
i just want a clean heart which is only me myself n u my lord....
i just....want to see....EVERYTHING will be FINE as soon as possible...
dear, about ur dad right.. i cannot say i und ur situation la, bt i can get how suffer u feel.
i noe there's alot of things that u hv neva experience b4, neva feel so bad b4, but changes are changes, n u noe its d fact. how bad it is also u need to accept n face it.
hmm, perhaps u shud b thinking in this way.. u have a BIG family n alot of family members to face this situation wit u, althou u're the frequent one, they are still there for u so no need 2 worry k =)
try ur best to do ur part in family ba, ur mom would b vry happy to have u ^^
bout studies ah, i must really sincerely apologize to u. i noe my pattern i noe my fault. u did ur best n i can see it =)
about ur temper, its okay la.. im elaine ler.. can tahan quite much de ler XD
at last, i believe u read jolene's blog also right.. everyone seemed to have ALOR prob. its like a season XD again~ thou u might see im kinda having my gud n happy life now.. u noe wat i've been thru right... u sure can go thru n be happy again no worries!
GIVING UP is not an excuse for u n its not accepted k =)
giving up is for losers! wahhaa...
remember this, when one day me this counsellor say wanna GIVE UP, please throw this back to me haha.
challenges shud exist in our lives.
without challenges, our lives would b empty.
u shud b feeling LUCKY to have challenges bcuz NOT everyone has.
try imagine those who dun have n everyday having same routine ler.. SIEN DAO U DIE IN HOUSE XD hahaha..
【try imagine those who dun have n everyday having same routine ler.. SIEN DAO U DIE IN HOUSE XD】
sei dai laine u r saying me ah??=.=
bei er~gambateh~i know u can overcmoe ur obstacle in ur life~
god bless u~
don 对号入座啦。。。
bei er..
what i just can say is...
I noe ur dad have a more serious case than my mom >.<
Buti und tat they will always scared us alot, if didnt cry then laugh, didnt laugh then will get mad..
I noe u will go thru it someday..=)
add oil!!
u r very though already!
dun put too much pressure on ur self k!
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